Lasers were first introduced to dentistry around 1994, and now, they are one of the most useful tools our practice utilizes every day. With our soft tissue laser, we’re able to perform a multitude of dental procedures quickly, precisely, and painlessly. Whether for periodontal therapy or cosmetic gum recontouring, nothing beats the effectiveness and accuracy of a soft tissue laser.
The laser uses an extremely concentrated beam of light that is able to instantly vaporize harmful bacteria located around the gum line as well as effortlessly remove infected tissue. Plus, it can do this while keeping all of the surrounding healthy tissue completely untouched.
We can even use it to address a short or “gummy” smile. With it, we can remove excess gum tissue to reveal hidden dental structure and give a smile that perfectly balanced appearance.
No matter what we use it for, it helps curtail any bleeding or swelling a patient might experience to ensure both a successful procedure as well as an easy recovery.